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Re: [XBoard-devel] XBoard -- 'Study game' mode and GTK.

From: Tim Mann
Subject: Re: [XBoard-devel] XBoard -- 'Study game' mode and GTK.
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:58:14 -0700

I'm not really working on xboard these days. I could take a stab at most of your questions, but it is better to ask address@hidden, where the active developers hang out. I'm cc'ing this reply there so that they see it.

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:19 AM, S. A. Albert <address@hidden> wrote:

I'm a French professional C++/Qt developer and happy user of XBoard (under
Debian GNU/Linux running on a Macintosh G4 PPC32 Powerbook) for correspondence
chess via ICCF or for training against the Stockfish engine (I like XBoard
because it is lightweight and succinct).

I'd like to have a 'study game' mode into XBoard to manually (without any
chess engine) study my running correspondence chess games loaded as PGN

What is it: it is a kind of 'edit game' where all plies (moves) are stored
(accumulated) in a tree of plies and a cursor could be moved to some node of
the tree to decide which position is displayed. The tree of plies is displayed
in a specific X11 window (similar to the history of moves window) with the
cursor highlighted. The tree of plies could be saved apart from the original
PGN game file. When a newer PGN file of the game is downloaded, the tree of
plies can be reloaded and edited again.

I cloned the git repository to analyze the source-code in order to find how I
could implement the 'study game' mode.

(1) Is there some Doxygen make setting so I can browse the source-code
data-structures and functions ?

I was wondering for which -- X11 and/or GTK -- front-end it's better to
implement the 'study game' mode depending on current status of GTK port and
future maintenance of the X11 front-end.

(2) Which is the GTK port state ?

(3) Will the X11 front-end be maintained when the GTK port is stable ?

I might give a help for the GTK port, if needed. Please, let me know.

(4) Which branch should I 'git checkout' into ('gtk' or 'gtk-xt') to build the
current GKT port ?

(5) What is the correct contributing process (for the 'study game' mode) ?


Stéphane A. ALBERT

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