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Re: [Adonthell-devel] Python 3.0

From: Kai Sterker
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-devel] Python 3.0
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 13:59:23 +0100

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Kai Sterker <address@hidden> wrote:

> I would try and compile stuff myself with the new versions, but I'm a
> bit reluctant to do so on the Mac, as I want to produce binaries with
> the libs that come with the default installation.

No risk, no fun ... or so they say ;-).

The good news is that Python 3 installs nicely next to Python 2.x. It
comes with a script, python3-config that can be used in the configure
script to find the python libs and such.

SWIG 1.3.38 has support for generating wrappers compatible with Python
3 via the -py3 switch. Unfortunately, SWIG 1.3.38 does not work with
Adonthell right now. Seems they changed again how the SWIG runtime
works (it's now a Python module itself), so there will be some changes
toour code required.

Linking to Python 3 also reveals that the Python C API has changed
slightly. There no longer seems to be the PyString_FromString (if I
recall correctly) function, so this means some more code changes for

For now I removed Python 3 (and SWIG 1.3.38) from my box again, but
there's some ideas forming in my head on how to support it. I may at
least work out something for SWIG, as it seems simpler to support that
for the alpha 3 release than telling people that it does not work.


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