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Re: Serious breakage in CVS autoconf tree on case-insensitive filesystem

From: akim
Subject: Re: Serious breakage in CVS autoconf tree on case-insensitive filesystems
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 19:40:42 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.18i

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 06:43:00PM +0200, Tim Van Holder wrote:
> I should have noticed this earlier, but it's been a while
> since I last updated the CVS tree.
> I just updated it and ran into an annoying problem: there is both a
> lib/Autoconf and a lib/autoconf directory. This is not possible on
> case-insensitive filesystems (like DOS and Win32), so CVS tries to
> lump them all together.  This results in both the typical "move away
>, it is in the way" problems, as in "cannot find revision
> control file for lang.m4" (because it looks for lib/Autoconf/lang.m4,v).

In fact, I realized that latter on, and changed that, but I suppose
the mere presence of Autoconf (now renamed Autom4te) on the CVS repo
is enough to be a problem.  Could someone ask the subversion team to
completely get rid of lib/Autoconf/ please?  As if it had never existed.

> Since is shared between autoconf and automake, couldn't you
> use lib/AutoTools/ instead (both for autoconf and automake)?
> Or you could use some other method for resolving this conflict (say,
> using share/autoconf for the m4 files).  As it stands, autoconf won't
> be able to build at all on a DOS or Win32 system (and any other system
> with a case insensitive filesystem).

Well I thought about this several times, which is also why there is
Autom4te/ which contains subs that Automake should use.

But I fear compatibility issues in future releases.  IMHO, they should
share the same sources when being developped, but not when being installed.

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