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Re: [avr-chat] Selection of AVR for my project

From: Ing. Daniel Rozsnyó
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Selection of AVR for my project
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 17:56:01 +0200
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On 04/25/2013 05:41 PM, David Kelly wrote:

On Apr 25, 2013, at 9:53 AM, Keith Gudger <address@hidden> wrote:

Have you considered a firmware only USB implementation?  Here's 

I've used a similar firmware before, and it worked fine.  There seems to be an 
i2c implementation here: http://www.harbaum.org/till/i2c_tiny_usb/index.shtml

Those are options. I'm guessing this is a one-off experiment. I'd visit my 
favorite vendor, DigiKey, Mouser, Newark, etc, and see what is available in 
demo kits with USB. All the manuals and software are online for download from 
Atmel. Study them, see what your vendor stocks, and make a selection.

Each demo board has an assortment of demo projects which will come up running 
pretty quickly. HID on USB should have multiple options to chose from.

For example I'm currently using an ATxmega256A3BU X-plain board with USB and 
LCD and I forget what else. It was about $50. But I'm not using USB or LCD, I 
wanted DMA and AES. When/if the time comes to make my own board I'll go back to 
the Atmel matrix and select a CPU which meets my needs. But then again if this 
one is $8 and another is $7.50 I'll probably not change.

I am quite familiar with the ATmega series.. but never used a USB version of any of those chips. So now is the time to migrate to atXmega... the ATXMEGA32A4U looks okay (and is pin compatible with 16/32/64/128k parts).

My question was rather this programming issue - the datasheet is not very specific about how it is done, the only thing it mentions is "Bootloader support for programming through any communication interface" - does that come with an empty chip or I have to flash it specially at least once?

I am used to GCC+AVRDUDE.


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