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Re: [avr-chat] Selection of AVR for my project

From: Andy Warner
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Selection of AVR for my project
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:41:03 -0500

I can endorse the choice of Teensy{++} 2.0 in this application.

It's cheap, it does everything you say you need (USB, bootloader, i2c), and just works. There are HID code examples on the website.

I've been developing with AVR for years, and recently needed to make a small HID widget - I was pleasantly surprised when I had the whole project working within an hour or so of unpacking the Teensy 2.0.

You don't even need avrdude, you can just use the bootloader & download tool they supply.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Rick Mann <address@hidden> wrote:

On Apr 25, 2013, at 08:56 , Ing. Daniel Rozsnyó <address@hidden> wrote:

> My question was rather this programming issue - the datasheet is not very specific about how it is done, the only thing it mentions is "Bootloader support for programming through any communication interface" - does that come with an empty chip or I have to flash it specially at least once?

As I understand it, you'll have to flash it at least once. What they mean is that bootloader code can re-program the part from any interface. So, you'll want to bring out the PDI pins (reset and the one next to it) to a header that can connect to an AVR ISP Mk II or any number of other Atmel programmers.

Then you can flash a DFU bootloader like http://alexforencich.com/wiki/en/xboot/readme, and then you can use some other means (a button on your board, a command sent via USB CDC, etc) to put it into DFU mode, and then the device will come up as a DFU device that avrdude can program.

I've been using GCC + avrdude + AVR ISP Mk II + PDI for my XMEGA projects. I also put down a TagConnet footprint on my board for access to the PDI pins. Eventually I'll put xboot on there, probably, but that's farther down the line.


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