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Re: [Axiom-developer] Fricas

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Fricas
Date: 26 Jul 2007 14:21:13 -0500

address@hidden writes:

| I strongly object to the dilution of the Axiom name and resources
| implied by your action. A fork implies the decision NOT to share
| resources. Please do NOT promote Fricas as Axiom in any forum.
| They are two entirely separate projects.
| We clearly disagree on this point.
| Until we have a mechanism for voting in place, and a vote is taken
| that results in community discussion and agreement that Fricas should
| be promoted as you have done, I ask you to remove your edits.

Tim --

  You have no right to decide which is in or out of the Axiom 
community.  You, as a single individual, have your right to believe
in whatever you like -- including deciding that you view Fricas as
an unfriendly alien -- but that remains only your view and your own.

  All good "citizens" of the open source community I know of have
links to related projects.  And Fricas certainly is a project
related to Axiom.  If you want to be hostile to everybody, that is
fine -- and within your contitutional rights.  However, I completely
disagree with you promoting that hostile view for the Axiom community.

  I strongly disagree with your "order" to remove links to Fricas
for the Axiom community webpage.

-- Gaby

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