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Re: [linuxiran] Questions about Linux and shabdix

From: Aryan Ameri
Subject: Re: [linuxiran] Questions about Linux and shabdix
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 13:44:56 +0300
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

On Sunday 24 August 2003 11:19, Payam bahraini wrote:
> Hi dear Mr. Zeini and the list,
> As I've read and heard, a LUG has to distribute linux
> freely and schedule meetings for Linux user's and etc.

Can yo please tell me the meaning of "A LUG has to ditribute Linux 
freely?" What do you mean by *FREE*? As far as I know, in Iran every 
software is Free. You go to paytakht, buy 3 CDs of say RedHat Linux for 
how much? 4,000 toman? 5,000 toman? Yes my dear, that is called *free*. 
You are paying for the cost of raw CD, and for the actual act of 
copying. You do not pay to the original copyright holder, so that makes 
it *free*.

> As you know if you want to have a distribution of
> Linux in Iran, you have to buy it, although it's free
> of charge in the other places of the world.

Really? Please tell me where in world, they give you free CDs? In all 
countries on this lovely plant of ours, they charge you for the raw CD, 
and for the actual act of copying. Look at cheapbytes for example. It 
is selling you Linux distribution, charging you little more than the 
price of raw CD. This is called free.

And yes, you can download Linux freely from the net. But then, you have 
to at least burn it yourself on to a CD. No one will give you that CD 
free of charge. If you find such a person, willing to give others free 
CDs, then please tell him that I have a land on the moon; which I am 
willing to sell to him.

Also of note, get over it guys. Linux is not free as in free bear. Linux 
is free as in freedom. There is a difference between these two. You can 
always charge for selling free software. The important thing is not to 
restrict user's freedoms. 

The *Free* in free software, refers to freedom, not price. It is 
completely legal (and moral) to sell Linux.

> I think that in order to attract the users to linux
> and to be a real LUG, we must do something like this

if you really thik that our LUG should provide everyone with free CDs, 
then please consider contributing 1000 raw CDs to us, then we will 
freely give them to others.

> to prevent BAD PEOPLE to sell a product that can be
> freely got or downloaded.

People (either good or bad) can always sell Linux, and will continue 
doing so. Even if we make Shabdix, we will encourage everyone to sell 
it. If you can sell Linux, fine, do it. It is a very respectable thing 
to do.

The Free Sfotware Foundation has been selling Linux and other free 
software for a long time. And they charge you a good deal too. 

People have lives you know. Developers who write free software, also 
have to pay the bills, pay the tutuion fees of their child's school, 
eat, drink, ... And these all COST MONEY. It is completely moral, 
ethical, and legal, to sell free software to others. Dammit, someone 
has put time and knowledge into making that software. Now you expect 
them to freely give it to you? And ven supply you with free CDs?

What galaxy are you living in?

/*  "Every gun that is made, every warship launched,
every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a
theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those
 who are cold and are not clothed."*/
                --President Eisenhower

Aryan Ameri

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