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Re: [Bug-gsl] SV decomp failure

From: Rhys Ulerich
Subject: Re: [Bug-gsl] SV decomp failure
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 09:36:54 -0500

Hi Steve,

> But in the meantime, Mac people can use the 'export CFLAGS="-Os -g"' trick.
> Hope this helps. If you have other suggestions, I will do the best I can.

I do have a thought.

Would you try compiling a couple of older GSL versions (say, working
from 1.14 down to 1.11) without the CFLAGS trick and seeing if
'./configure && make && make -C linalg check' passes?  That will build
everything but just run the directory with the failing SVD test.

My thought is that maybe (small probability) the problem is a
regression.  If we can identify it working at some time but
subsequently failing, we can bisect our way down to the troublesome

- Rhys

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