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Re: parted and 78 heads

From: leslie . polzer
Subject: Re: parted and 78 heads
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 20:01:13 +0200
User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (Linux)

Hello Mario,

On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 03:46:56PM +0200, Mario Gzuk wrote:

> Hi, nobody out there who has simular problems?
Sorry for not answering yet, but I have a huge backlog of stuff
not only for Parted, but also for other things.

> Here some more informations: parted version: 1.7.1 If I load the edd
> module (BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive calls determine boot disk) the edd
> module tells me (if the disk is empty): 255 heads and 63 sektors/track
> after creating partitions with parted the edd module tells me 78 heads
> and 60 sektors/track....
Parted will have EDD support in the mid-term future.

  Have you tried LBA addressing in the BIOS for this drive?


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