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Stub implementation of CLDC and MIDP compatible classes

From: Mark Wielaard
Subject: Stub implementation of CLDC and MIDP compatible classes
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 21:28:15 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.0.1i


A while ago I started on implementing Connected Limited Device
Configuration (CLDC) and Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)
compatible classes. I never got very far and they are certainly not
complete. What I have are just the (new) classes/interfaces that are
defined in the specs, with some (very) minimal documentation.
No real implementation only the interfaces.

I would like to donate them to the Classpath project so they could
help someone that wants to make a CLDC/MIDP compatible implementation.
Since then the real specification has come out and I have to look at it
to see how much it differs from what I have now. And I have to write some
more documentation. I have no real intention to do much more work on it
in the near future, but if I have some more time in the far future (that
means in a couple of months) I would like to make a simple implementation.
But maybe even this simple interface framework would make someone happy.
(And maybe someone even makes a real implementation before I have time :)

What I have are the interfaces/class stubs defined in the packages:
- javax.microedition.rms
- javax.microedition.midlet
- javax.microedition.lcdui
(Note that you need a lot more then that to make a CLDC/MIDP compatible
implementation. You need to make a real implementation of the interfaces
defined in those packages. Implement simplified versions of the standard
java 2 classes since the CLDC/MIDP only defines the minimal classes and
methods needed on small devices. And to be completely compliant you need
a new (pre)compiler and bytecode verifier. See the specifications for all
the details.)

Some references:

Please let me know what you think. Should I check in what I have?
(after clean up and making sure that everything has documentation of course)



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