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Re: Hmmm.... future of cons?

From: Doug Alcorn
Subject: Re: Hmmm.... future of cons?
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 08:52:47 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.090006 (Oort Gnus v0.06) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp, i386-debian-linux)

Nadim Khemir <address@hidden> writes:

> Gary (and all the other involved), I definitively understand that
> you have other important things in your life and please do not take
> no offence in the following (it is as much for me as it is for you).

None taken.  We're all just trying to figure out what to do.

> When I wrote the mail that started this discussion I also had in
> mind branching or starting a new project. If you read the mail
> chronologically, you'll see that we go from: a new Con, consider
> Scons, fix Cons (your first mail above) to fix as little as possible
> and continue as we did before. We use an efficient damping filter
> here.

Here's my feeling from this thread so far.  The original authors new
that the internals of Cons needed reworking; particularly for parallel
builds.  The software carpentry thing came up and recommended python
because of it's low barrier of entry.  The core Cons team took up the
re-write effort that Cons needed but decided to do it in Python.  Now
SCons is nearing feature compatibility.  So, you rightly bring up the
question what to do with Cons.

So, here's my thoughts.  Cons is at a dead end.  We need to release
2.3.1 that is a bug fix release.  I think we could carry it as far as
2.4.0 to integrate Cons::Plus (whatever that means).  At that point we
can re-evaluate what needs to be done.  I think any work to re-write
Cons is a duplication of effort.  What would we gain?  So Python is a
boring language.  I'm not disagreeing with you.  I have had very little
motivation to learn Python.  The team made the decision to use
Python.  So, Python it is.  Part of being a good team player is
swallowing things like this and moving on.

That's just my take.  If you really want to re-write Cons, knock
yourself out.  I'm not signing up for that.  What I did volunteer for
is helping Cons get to a good resting place.

 (__) Doug Alcorn - Unix/Linux/Web Developing
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