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Re: ddd hangs on plot, crashes with 'BadWindow' error on cancel

From: mike delind
Subject: Re: ddd hangs on plot, crashes with 'BadWindow' error on cancel
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 20:55:25 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070306)

Hi Andrew, hi Robert,

OK, thanks for the confirmation and suggested work-arounds. If it helps anyone to debug this, I noticed the following: ddd is sending the line "set term xlib" to the gnuplot process, which (at least with my setup, with gnuplot version 4.x) causes gnuplot to generate a lot of gibberish instead of a plot window. When I commented out the following line in ddd/plotter.C:

init.prepend("set term " + string(app_data.plot_term_type) + "\n");

the plot feature *almost* worked - the plot window was there, data looked fine but didn't have any control menus or buttons. The mouse navigation and key-controls (e.g. "q" for quit) worked though.

   Anyhow, thanks again,


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