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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP/gnuradio Issues in OS X

From: Michael Dickens
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP/gnuradio Issues in OS X
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 15:09:49 -0400

Hi Mary - So long as you use MacPorts for background dependencies, libusb1 and libusb-legacy (v0.1.12) can be installed at the same time & you can easily choose between them (different PKGCONFIG files). Do note that "libusb-compat" does NOT work with FUSB/Darwin since GNU Radio's FUSB/LIBUSB code uses internals that are not in the 'compat' version (only the API is compat, not the internal implementation). On my MacBook Pro (10.5.8, i386), GNU Radio compiles and executes just fine using libusb-legacy -- so, if you're having issues using it let me know & I'll see what I can do to help out. That said, I've also used libusb1 with some success -- so, you might have some other issue (e.g., a bad USB cable). - MLD

On Aug 23, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Mark J. Blair wrote:
I have the address@hidden port installed rather than the address@hidden port, because (I think) I have other stuff that wants the newer libusb port. I discovered that I needed to use the "--with-fusb- tech=libusb1" flag to get the configure script to properly identify my libusb version. Before I used that flag everything would compile, but the usrp executables would fail to find a symbol they needed in libusb and then crash.

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