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Re: GSCUPS and GNUstep Printing

From: Chad Hardin
Subject: Re: GSCUPS and GNUstep Printing
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 12:37:00 -1000

On Jun 11, 2004, at 11:28 AM, Adam Fedor wrote:

On Jun 11, 2004, at 2:11 PM, Chad Hardin wrote:

Personally, I would prefer to add the objective-c wrappers I have already written and put those directly in GNUstep. Whatever is *not* transferred over would remain behind in the GSCUPS framework.

If I did this, the classes to be added to GNUstep would be:
GSCUPSDestination.h/m #This is an abstraction of either one printer or a pool of printers...along with the options associated with instances of those.


Probably these should go in a separate subdirectory under Source.
Ok, under GSCUPS, I suppose?

As for handling both type of printing systems, how to handle that? Is the best was to simply read the users defaults and then use a different combination of NSPrinter/NSPrintInfo/NSPrintPanel. It looks like NSPrintOperation should be same either way, on UNIX at least.

Best would be to check automatically in configure if CUPS is present, and use the classes if it is. Perhaps we need an LPR class that would handle printing otherwise (or perhaps the CUPS classes could be written so they can be used with and without CUPS - I don't really know how they work).

There would be a problem with software packaging if the default printing method was determined solely by ./configure flags. It's very likely the package maintainers will want their gnustep-gui package to have the capability to use CUPS, but not mandate it. That is why I am thinking there should be both compile time selection (via ./configure --with-cups, etc) AND a run-time selection.

What I'm thinking is something along what you are saying with the LPR class. Make subclasses of NSPrinter, NSPrintInfo, and NSPrintPanel for both LPR and CUPS. I suppose you could name them GSCUPSPrinter, GSCUPSPrintInfo, GSCUPSPrintPanel and GSLPRPrinter, GSLPRPrintInfo, GSLPRPrintPanel. The *LPR* subclasses would basically be what the NSPrinter, NSPrintInfo, and NsPrintPanel currently are, hardly anything would have to be written for them.

At this time I must admit a bit of ignorance and I must ask for some pointers. How would I be able to seamlessly allow for this type of behavior of the NsPrint* classes? The Applicatiions will explicitly ask for and load an instance of NSPrinter, for example, but I want to give them an instance of GSCUPSPrinter instead. I suppose it would not be too difficult, maybe this pseudocode is on the right track?:

@implementation NSPrinter

+(id) alloc
        id printer;
        NSString *userDefault;

//find out what we are actually going to allocate, is it a GSLPRPrinter or a GSCUPSPrinter (maybe even a GSWindowsPrinter?)
        userDefault = //whatever the default is

        if( [userDefault isEqualToString: @"GSCUPS"])
                return [GSCUPSPrinter alloc];

        if( [userDefault isEqualToString: @"GSLPR"])
                return [GSCUPSLPR alloc];

+(id) allocWithZone:(NSZone*) zone

//The rest of the implementation would be basically empty.


Am I on the right track here?

It would be nice then if NSPrinter/etc was rewritten to use whichever class was available.

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