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Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 15:38:28 +0100
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Hope this doesn't sound like a heresy. But using YouTube on the front
page to demonstrate screenshots along with other advertisements may
not be that bad. Could be like 1 minute. I can make a video if a
script is provided and may be mixed down with some developers'

I don't think this is a heresy. But it shouldn't go on the homepage, but in the correct place of the demo.

Videos are invasive, they require plugins, they require bandwidth and slow doesn't loading times (even if not played directly), so it is better to put them in specific, well known places.

Our website - and perhaps the most important thing is the homepage - should be readable by the widest audience. GNU gives some guidelines for GNU project websites. I think some of them are too restrictive, however they should be source of inspiration. During the restyle of the website, I'm doing trying to do that.
I can make something like this one below which take 2 days (but for
this I can work on this much longer), nothing related just to give
some inspirations and showing my capability so you don't expect a
fully commercial grade advertisement, or may be we can?

I think making videos of different aspects of GNUstep can be interesting.
Be it theming, GNOME and Windows integration, be it development or certain key applications, we could offer quick previews of the interested.

Currently, perhaps the best place is to integrate them in the Wiki.

We need to consider that we don't have many resources on our Website. We didn't have in the past either. This is fine and usual for an open source project, but that means also that we need to try to make our website "valid" for a longer term, so that it doesn't get out-of-date too quick.

Many things which I find in the website aren't generally wrong, they are "leftovers". The wiki *should* mitigate that because its effort is more distributed, but as far as I can tell currently it is not. Actually, having more information, the problem is even more acute.


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