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On-the-fly compiling (was Re: What a modern collaboration toolkit looks

From: Mark A. Hershberger
Subject: On-the-fly compiling (was Re: What a modern collaboration toolkit looks like)
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:19:58 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Tom Tromey <address@hidden> writes:

> Miles> My wish is that Emacs gets "Emacsy" versions of Eclipse's best
> Miles> features, not that Emacs becomes anything like Eclipse (which
> Miles> has a truly awful user interface...).
> I'm in complete agreement.  And much of it, like java compiler stuff,
> should not be done in Emacs itself, IMO.

Check out flymake which has support for jikes.  I am not a Java hacker,
but I did set up flymake with Jikes when I was looking at some Java
projects.  I'd be happy to see if I can dig up that setup again, if
you're interested.

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My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in
inverse proportion to my expectations.  -- Michael J. Fox

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