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Re: Emacs project mission (was Re: "If you're still seeing problems, pl

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Emacs project mission (was Re: "If you're still seeing problems, please reopen." [
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2019 19:56:50 +0200
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On 23.11.2019 18:04, Michael Albinus wrote:
You can subscribe to<address@hidden>. You can use the debbugs
ELPA package. Granted, there's room for improvement, but we have them.

I'm not asking for myself. The question was why a lot of users shy away from reporting bugs to us.

You could argue that the web-based issue trackers are more fancy. But
this is the problem: they are web-based.

It's not that they are more fancy (though they are), they are more familiar to a lot of people. So they lower the barrier for participation, in a lot of ways.

> I'm using Emacs, and I want to
tackle my problems with Emacs. So whatever we end up, that is a
requirement I have. I don't say we shall use debbugs forever, but if we
move to another system, I don't want to loose this feature.

I'm pretty sure we have discussed this requirement at length.

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