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Re: Request: add cl-font-lock to Emacs or Elpa

From: Spenser Truex
Subject: Re: Request: add cl-font-lock to Emacs or Elpa
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:28:16 -0700

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>> cl-font-lock is a package that does richer syntax highlighting for
>> Common Lisp. I'm the co-maintainer on it. We are interested in having it
>> included in Emacs or on Elpa. It is already on Melpa.
>> https://github.com/cl-font-lock/cl-font-lock
>> How can we move that along?
> Sorry, I saw the (title of the) message you sent a few weeks ago and put
> it into my "todo" but later removed it from my todo because I thought it
> had been handled by someone else (there was some commit soon afterwards
> that seemed related).

Thank you. I hope the package is simple enough to see what it is doing,
so that it can be added without issue.

I think it should be an opt-in feature, not a replacement for the
current syntax highlighting in lisp-mode because many users prefer the
old syntax highlighting. Also, it is not very sophisticated (it is just
regular expressions) and sometimes doesn't highlight right based on the

The other issue with it is that it can't really be unloaded.

So if these issues are too great for it to be added then we will have to
fix them first.

>         Stefan

Spenser Truex
San Francisco, USA

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