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Re: Proposal for an emacs-humanities mailing list

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: Proposal for an emacs-humanities mailing list
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2020 12:03:24 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

During EmacsConf 2020 it became clear that there is a sizeable number of people who use Emacs outside of a programming context, specifically in the Humanities, and there was support for a mailing list dedicated to this group.

The benefit of such a list would allow those using Emacs within the Humanities a way to become more directly involved with the project without committing to the emacs-devel or help-gnu-emacs lists, which are much more programming-focused than the average Humanities user may be comfortable with or interested in.

Like Lars, I don't see what fundamental difference of scope between emacs-humanities and help-gnu-emacs is. Isn't the scope of emacs-humanities a subset of the scope of help-gnu-emacs? If so, would it not be simpler to add a "[humanities]" tag (for example) to posts on help-gnu-emacs which might be of interest to, or are posted by, humanities users?

Another way to ask the same question: why would this list be limited to "humanities"? There are people who use Emacs neither for programming nor for the humanities.

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