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Re: GitLab feature request compared with SourceHut

From: Ben Mezger
Subject: Re: GitLab feature request compared with SourceHut
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 17:15:42 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.4; emacs 28.0.50

> As Lars already said, that's irrelevant for us because we'd host
> sourcehut the software on GNU infrastructure anyway.

I was not aware about the possibility of hosting sourcehut at all -- but
this does seem like a plausible solution indeed.

> However, I want to point out that I'm very happily paying those 20 bucks
> a year to help making sr.ht a sustainable service.  It's so much better
> to pay with your money rather than your data.

Definitely, folks at sourcehut have been doing a great job at tacking
this sort of issue -- in fact, afaik, they are the only ones actually
trying to solve this mailing list problem. I am unaware of any other
solution that tackles code contribution the way they do it.

Maybe if Emacs makes the first move, perhaps other projects may follow
the same path.

Tassilo Horn <tsdh@gnu.org> writes:

> Ben Mezger <me@benmezger.nl> writes:
>>> Yes, that sounds like something that needs to work before we can make
>>> the switch.
>> One point though: sr.ht payment is currently optional, but they do
>> have plans to start requiring payments when they reach a certain
>> quality
> I think you already must be a paying user to use the CI service as a
> result of abuse of the infrastructure for cryptocurrency mining.
>> -- but perhaps this is negoatible given the the nature of the project.
> As Lars already said, that's irrelevant for us because we'd host
> sourcehut the software on GNU infrastructure anyway.
> However, I want to point out that I'm very happily paying those 20 bucks
> a year to help making sr.ht a sustainable service.  It's so much better
> to pay with your money rather than your data.
> Bye,
> Tassilo

Kind regards,
Met een vriendelijke groet,

Ben Mezger


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