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Re: Organizing the NEWS file a bit better

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: Re: Organizing the NEWS file a bit better
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2021 11:04:24 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Kangas <stefan@marxist.se> writes:

> The command 'org-set-tags-command' lines them up like this, which
> helps improve readability:
> ** 'open-gnutls-stream' now also accepts a ':coding' argument.          :DOC:
> ** 'process-attributes' now works under OpenBSD, too.                 :NODOC:

We try to limit the headings to below 80 characters...  which typically
means that a lot of them are almost exactly 80 characters.  :-)  So
these tags will make the NEWS file less readable.

The nice thing about having the tags on separate lines is that they
disappear from the VC history.  If we're changing the lines when we do
tagging, then it makes VC archaeology less convenient.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

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