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[Orgmode] Refiling subtree and XEmacs

From: Matthew Lovell
Subject: [Orgmode] Refiling subtree and XEmacs
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 13:23:36 -0700


I'm using org-mode 6.12b under XEmacs 21.4.21.  Generally speaking,
everything works beautifully (Thanks, Carsten!). 

The exception to that statement is refiling subtrees (typically from
my TODO.org remember-mode buffer).  If the heading is just a single
line, there is no problem.  If there is test associated with the
heading (such as a link to a file on the next line), then attempting
C-c C-w results in

 1. The tree getting copied to the destination buffer, but usually
    appearing as additional text on the last heading of the
    destination tree (sometimes this corrects itself with by hitting

 2. No apparent change in the source buffer; and

 3. Erroring out with the message

    Visible portion of buffer not modifiable

I poked through the gmane archives for the mailing list sometime back
and saw Carsten mentioned an incompatibility between the lisp org-mode
is using (which must work fine for emacs) and XEmacs.  What would it
take to correct this?  Has anyone tried?

I'm perfectly willing to be a guinea pig, by the way, for any proposed


Matthew Lovell

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