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Re: [Freepooma-devel] Parallel Pooma (Repeated request)

From: Richard Guenther
Subject: Re: [Freepooma-devel] Parallel Pooma (Repeated request)
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 16:59:29 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Svilen Sabchevski wrote:

Dear Richard,

Thank you for your suggestion to configure with -ex option.
This indeed solved the current problem and the compilation
process continued further two more steps. But strangely
enough after this the problem with SEEK_xxx reappeared
again compiling BataBrowser.cmpl.cpp. So, I got the following diagnostics:

Ok, for the source level problems with MPI I still think avoiding to
include the mpicxx header at all will cure most of the problems.  F.i.,
in my local MPICH mpi.h header there is the following section:

/* Add the C++ bindings */
If MPICH_SKIP_MPICXX is defined, the mpi++.h file will *not* be included.
   This is necessary, for example, when building the C++ interfaces.  It
   can also be used when you want to use a C++ compiler to compile C code,
   and do not want to load the C++ bindings
#if defined(HAVE_MPI_CPP) && !defined(MPICH_SKIP_MPICXX)
#include "mpi++.h"

which suggests, that for my particular version/install of MPICH the
problem could be avoided by adding -DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX (the proper
place to add this is to the config/arch/*.conf file you are using,
just along the optimization flags).

Probably in the chain of  #includes the order is again wrong and the header 
mpi.h is
somehow behind stdio.h. Therefore I decided to experiment with another solution
of the problems related to SEEK_xxx, namely to add -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK
in (see next line)

CXX_OPT_LIB_ARGS    = -ftemplate-depth-60    -DNOPAssert -DNOCTAssert -O2 
-funroll-loops -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK

After this the problem with SEEK_xxx is solved again but  there is still  error 

Mon Jun 5 16:52:36 EEDT 2006
Compiler location: /home/mpich2-install/bin/mpiCC
TMPDIR=/tmp/parallel; \
/usr/bin/time mpiCC -c src/DataBrowser/DataBrowser.cmpl.cpp \
-o src/DataBrowser/parallel/DataBrowser.cmpl.o \
 -ftemplate-depth-60    \
-DNOPAssert -DNOCTAssert -O2 -funroll-loops -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK \
-I/home/p_freepooma-2.4.1/src \

In file included from /home/p_freepooma-2.4.1/src/Layout/DynamicEvents.h:55,
                from /home/p_freepooma-2.4.1/src/Layout/SparseTileLayout.h:58,
                from /home/p_freepooma-2.4.1/src/Engine/IsValidLocation.h:54,
                from /home/p_freepooma-2.4.1/src/Array/PrintArray.h:49,
                from src/DataBrowser/DataBrowser.cmpl.cpp:23:
/home/p_freepooma-2.4.1/src/Domain/IteratorPairDomain.h:49: error: redefinition of 
`struct std::iterator_traits<_Tp*>'
 error: previous definition of `struct std::iterator
/home/p_freepooma-2.4.1/src/Domain/IteratorPairDomain.h:58: error: redefinition of 
`struct std::iterator_traits<const _Tp*>'
 error: previous definition of `struct std::iterator

Can you provide the output of the configure command? Preferably the logfile created, too, it's stored in lib/$POOMASUITE/config.log. Look
for why the test "checking for standard conforming iterators" does fail
and say no. You can workaround this issue by "fixing" lib/$POOMASUITE/PoomaConfiguration.h manually - just fix the define for

I am sorry for bothering you so frequently. I really appreciate your valuable 
time.   In an anticipation of
your next hint I would like to acknowledge that each your response helps me to 
make several more
steps further.

I know getting it to work in parallel is not easy, but we may be able
to improve the autodetection to avoid some of the common pitfalls.


Richard Guenther <richard dot guenther at uni-tuebingen dot de>

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