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Re: [glob2-devel] Gameplay guidelines

From: Eli
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Gameplay guidelines
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 05:27:52 -0400

On Sep 13, 2005, at 12:48 AM, Andrew Sayers wrote:

_Outline of a game_

As a general rule, a game of Globulation 2 should involve an
exploration phase, a building phase, and a competition phase.  These
phases can overlap with each other, but each phase requires different
skills, and should be fun in its own way.

The initial exploration phase involves finding out what your
surroundings look like, where you can find resources, how to guard the
borders of your territory, and where to start placing your buildings.

The building phase involves creating a large and successful town.
Depending on the situation, this might be large or small.  There will
be geographical obstacles to overcome (such as your town becoming
overgrown or running out of resources).  The town will grow in
different ways and at different speeds depending on the way it's

The final competition phase involves defeating your opponents.  This
can be through direct means, such as stealing resources or fighting; or
it can be indirectly through converting or prestige.

A game of Globulation 2 should last long enough that the player has a
chance to enjoy and strategise over each phase, but carry on at a pace
that keeps the player on his toes.  An hour or two is a good length
for a game.

        - Andrew

The thing left out is replay value. What is it about Globulation 2 that will make you play it over and over again, if every game plays out along the same sequence? We don't have any of the usual elements --- huge variety of maps, variety of races, a continuous universe, or complex tactics. Basically, the only difference between maps is in how little of each resource you have (including building space as a resource.) That isn't a very interesting way to differentiate maps! Another thing that Glob2 doesn't do that worked in Majesty is to give the player a choice of which buildings to get, but not allowing them to get every building at once.

Well, people will probably still be able to play multiplayer, which has its own replay value, but I'm speaking from the single-player standpoint, seeing as I haven't been able to play multiplayer. If we want to take inspiration from Majesty again, the way to have an interesting single-player experience is to give the player a wide variety of enemies...

I've pondered this stuff, but nothing has come clear.

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