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[glob2-devel] A lot of small changes.

From: Kai Antweiler
Subject: [glob2-devel] A lot of small changes.
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 00:12:36 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4.20 (linux)


Considering the mail from Shawn about his compiler having problems
with some of our code, I have tried to get our code to work with
flags -wall -pedantic .  But I couldn't get gcc to complain about
the functions that Shawns compiler had trouble with.

I spend hours doing changes like removing "," from the last
enum elements and removing ";" from the closing "}" of namespaces.
Or putting in type conversions between int and unsinged.

But I added some missing return statements and a lot of type
conversions too.

So question is shall I upload this to cvs?
I would say yes.  But if some of you prefer using commas
or semicolons in these places I leave everything the way it
is in cvs now.  And try to find the missing return types and
most serious type conversions again.

If no one complains, I will upload the changes in a few days.

Shawn, can you mail me your Map.cpp and Map.h, so that I can implement
your fixes before we release?
Alternatively you'll can get an cvs account and commit them yourself.

I had to compile files that used VARARRAY by hand.  It was
criticised that compilers can't deal with this, but we provide
an extra macro for theses compilers.
Kai Antweiler

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