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Re: [glob2-devel] scons issue

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] scons issue
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 22:34:41 -0400

By the way, I've gotten mingw on windows to work. It was quite tricky to figure out, but the solution was simple. The whole problem has to do with the order you of the flags to gcc, they had to be in a specific order. It now works fine, in fact I've been working on a new NSIS script for glob2 for windows installation.

Also, I've now merged the scons_conversion branch.

Heres the rap on how to use scons:

In the root glob2 folder, type: "scons" to compile the program.
In any other folder (like src), type "scons -u" which will do the same thing as the above command

If you want to change the variables, type "scons CXXFLAGS=whatever" or alternatively "scons -u CXXFLAGS=whatever", and these options are stored in a file called To build libusl, use "scons libusl", to build the program in tools, type "scons mksprite". To build a distribution tar, type "scons dist". Its all fairly simple.

Alert me to any problems you have in the *latest master*, as it works on my system for both windows and linux, but I can't vouch for all systems. Have fun!

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.
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