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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] arch and bookmark maintenance

Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] arch and bookmark maintenance
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:49:49 +0000

Andrew Suffield (address@hidden) wrote:
> They're SGML files. And think about what the typical modifications are
> to a bookmark file.

a. (insert) adding a bookmark, usually somewhere in the file
b. (delete) removing a bookmark from an arbitrary place in the file
c. (move) rearranging bookmarks, which could be seen as both of the above

I now think this could work. For Mozilla Firebird, the bookmark file as it
appears in the users folder (as bookmarks.html) and the one generated when you
"export" the bookmarks to an html file, are the same - some sort of html file
that describes itself as:
| <!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>

The basic format seems to deviate somewhat from XML as the <DT> element has
no ending element that I can see, although the <DL> tags, which seem to define
blocks of associated bookmarks, do have an associated </DL> tag.

The basic form is as follows, (I added "| " to the beginning of each line so
some html email readers would not get confused, I also changed some
whitspacing but it is uniform in the source file).
| <DT>
|   <H3 ADD_DATE="1067563097" LAST_MODIFIED="1068966401" ID="rdf:#$vmH541">
|   </H3>
| <DL>
|   <p>
|   <DT>
|     <A HREF="http://some.url"; ADD_DATE="1067563119"
LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID="rdf:#$wmH541">
|     Bookmark name
|     </A>
|   <DT>
|     <A HREF="http://some.url"; ADD_DATE="1067563356"
LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID="rdf:#$xmH541">
|     Bookmark name
|     </A>
| </DL>

That's "angle" as in geometry.

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