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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: "Newbie-ized help"

From: Mark Stosberg
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: "Newbie-ized help"
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 14:21:14 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: slrn/ (FreeBSD)

On 2004-09-26, James Blackwell <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> How many hours do you estimate it would take to change the current
>>> codebase over to doing what you request? 
>> I admit I have no idea -- I haven't really looked at how the current
>> help system works.
> Do you think it might be appropriate to dive into the code and assess
> the ease of a change before recommending it? 

Newbies, and those how can think like them, will provide the best
feedback on how to re-organize the help to be "newbie friendly". Many of
these people won't have interest or experience to hack the code, but
that doesn't lessen the value of their feedback. (I'm a new user using
it to manage Perl code, and have forgotten most of the C I learned). 

Sure, it's important to balance the suggestion with the considerations of
implementing it. If it's a great suggestion that's time consuming to
implement, leave it on a "wish list" for someone to get to later. The
better suggestion, the more likely someone will want to come along and
work on it. 



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