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Re: few problems on a score...

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: few problems on a score...
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 22:37:44 +0200

>       All this work fine, but ly2dvi comes with a lot error...
>       I send the .ly file.

OK, here's a version of the file that doesn't give any warnings
and where the repeats look more familiar (no repeat sign at
the end of the secunda volta).

The trick is that each volta bracket has to be started with
(volta "some text") and ended with (volta #f). 

\include ""
\header {
         "composer" = ""
         "title" = "Oy Tate S'Iz Gut"

\score {
        \transpose d{
        \relative c'
          \time 2/4
          \property Staff.keySignature = #'((1 .  -1) (5 . -1) (6 . -1))
%          \key  af \major 
        \tempo 4=126
                \repeat volta 2 {c''8  b16 c d c bf af | af8 g16 af bf af g f | 
e f g af bf af [\times 2/3 {af g f}] | g16 f e df e df c bf | c8 df e f |}
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1. \\& 3."))
                g8 \grace { bf8 } af b c | g2~ | g4 r8 c,8
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'(end-repeat (volta #f) 
(volta "2. \\& 4."))
                g'16 f e df e df c bf | c2~ | c4 r8 c8 

                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) start-repeat)
                \times 2/3 {bf8 d bf} \times 2/3 { bf f' bf,} | \times 2/3 {bf 
d bf} f'4 | e16 f g e e8.^\trill df16
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1. \\& 3."))
                df16 c c bf f8 bf
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'(end-repeat (volta #f) 
(volta "2. \\& 4."))
                e8 df c4
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) start-repeat)
                b'8 c4.~ | c4. b8 | c8 c c c | c c c c | c2~ | c4 r8 b8 | 
[\times 2/3 {c16 df c} af8 af] af |
                af8 af af af | af2~| af | [\times 2/3 {g16 af g} f8] f f~ | 
[f16 c f c] [f c f c] | f2~ | f4 r8 \times 2/3 {af16 g f}  
                e8 f g af | b8.^trill af16 [b af g f] | fs8 g4.~ | g2
                bf16 df c8 c c | c c c c |b c4.~ | 
                c4. b8 | \times 2/3 {b16 c b} af8 af af | af af af af | b16 c 
c8 c c | b8.^trill af16 b af g f | af16 g f8 f f~ |
                [f c f c] [f c f c] | f2~ | f4 r8 \times 2/3 {af16 g f} | e8 f 
g af | b8.^trill af16 b af g f | fs8 g4.~ | g4 a16 g f e

                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'(end-repeat start-repeat)
                e16 f g af g af g f | bf af g f g af g f | e f g f e f e df |
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1. \\& 3."))
                c8 e g c
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat 
(volta "2. \\& 4."))
                e,8 df c4
                \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
                \bar "|."
    VoltaBracket \override #'font-style = #'large

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