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Re: [gnugo-devel] Evan's tests

From: Gunnar Farneback
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] Evan's tests
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 18:22:18 +0200
User-agent: EMH/1.14.1 SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.3 Emacs/20.7 (sparc-sun-solaris2.7) (with unibyte mode)

Evan wrote:
> Thanks for the comments.  I'll make changes tomorrow.  By way of
> explanation, I've put up the matchercheck results on the web, which should
> point out what's going wrong.  In some cases I can't tell exactly what's
> going on, so I put something in that I thought was close.  I don't have
> the nngs matcher_check results, so I'll rerun those tomorrow.

Where on the web?

> Also, I noticed the | used... but sometimes, I get GTP output back with
> multiple answers, in which case [1 A|B] wouldn't match "2 A B".  What is
> the policy for this?  use | and not worry about it?

This is starting to sound somewhat confused but it may help to know
that all this is regular expression matching (except an initial "!"
which is interpreted as a negation of the match result). Thus this
example from ld_owl.tst

loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld2.sgf
5 dragon_status B18
#? [critical (B19|E19) (B19|E19|F18|F19)]

means that either of the following 8 results of the dragon_status
command count as passed:

critical B19 B19
critical B19 E19
critical B19 F18
critical B19 F19
critical E19 B19
critical E19 E19
critical E19 F18
critical E19 F19


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