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Re: 1.6.0 problems with libguilereadline-v-12 and fix

From: Robert Uhl <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 1.6.0 problems with libguilereadline-v-12 and fix
Date: 22 Sep 2002 22:35:57 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/21.2

address@hidden (Paul Jarc) writes:
> > The problem with that is it makes utter hell out of one's PATH
> Nope.  <URL:>:
>    Adding programs to the commands-available-to-users list means
>    creating symbolic links in a central directory, /command, as well
>    as in /usr/local/bin for compatibility.
> > I like how stow does it
> Stow doesn't have a global registry, so it doesn't solve the problem
> of accidental name collisions.  And since all files of the same type
> still get squeezed into a flat namespace (.../bin, .../lib, etc.),
> collisions are more likely.  With slashpackage, package and command
> names are registered so there are no collisions, and other types of
> files automatically don't collide because they're in separate
> namespaces (i.e., separate directories).

I don't see how both of the above can be true.  If two seperate
packages use the same name for a command, then both cannot make that
command available to the user _and_ use the standard name _and_ not

> > Plus, it's generally as simple as:
> >
> >     ./configure
> >     make
> >     sudo make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/PACKAGE_NAME
> >
> > which is awfully nice.
> With slashpackage, it's as simple as "package/install".

That means a custom install script must be used--with stow, one uses
the standard GNU tools.

> > the FHS is a nice thing, and exists for a reason.
> It's well-intentioned, but it doesn't work.  Did you read
> <URL:>?

Yes, but I wasn't terribly impressed.  But then, I think that djb is a
looney-tune of the first order, so perhaps I'm biased:-)

Robert Uhl <address@hidden>
'Those who shall sober up from the collective intoxication will have to
 admit that the Palestinians are the Jews of our era, a small, hunted
 people, defenceless, standing alone against the best weapons,
 helpless...the whole world is against them.'
                   --Ha'aretz, 13 June 1982

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