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Re: Token types with constructor

From: Wolfgang Wieser
Subject: Re: Token types with constructor
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 18:56:33 +0200

Hello Martin & Hans!

On Tuesday 31 August 2004 22:03, you wrote:
> [...lots of text about token types...]
So I don't really see why you seem to make things so difficult...
Especially since it is really easy to quickly call the C++ constructors and
destructors from an (otherwise plain C) [parser] code:

I assume the parser allocates a stack of token elements using:

  Tok *stack = (Tok*)malloc(N*sizeof(Tok));

Okay, so when we need a token, then let's use one of the array elements
but don't forget to call the constructor before. This could be done from
within the push (shift) operation:

  Tok *t = new(&stack[stack_top_index]) Tok();

(operator new with placement syntax, see Stroustroup!)

This requires that the token type used inside bison (i.e. not the
user-supplied one), has a custom operator new:

  struct Tok
    short yyss;
    YYSTYPE yyvs;
    void *operator new(unsigned int /*size*/,void *ptr)
      {  return(ptr);  }

And when the token is no longer used, "delete" it again, i.e. call the


Okay, and the rest of the memory management is as usual:


In case the stack needs to be enlarged, we simply do:

  Tok *newstack = (Tok*)malloc(newsize*sizeof());
  for(int i=0; i<oldsize; i++)
    new(&newstack[i]) Tok();   // constructor
    newstack[i] = oldstack[i];  // copy
    oldstack[i].Tok::~Tok();  // destructor

I've been doing things like that several times and it worked well.
Just write two #defines which do the ugly tasks for us. For normal C
parsers, these #defines are no-ops (making sure that the C compiler does
not stumble over operator new, etc) and for C++, we use the implementations
above. What do you think? (It's teaching C code C++ behaviour :)


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