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Re: [help-GIFT] GIFT installation (new to GIFT)

From: Wolfgang Müller
Subject: Re: [help-GIFT] GIFT installation (new to GIFT)
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 08:56:52 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5

On Friday 30 January 2004 00:07, Howard Lee wrote:
> Dear Dr. Mueller,

Uhh.... If you sign Howard, and I sign Wolfgang, you've got to call me 
Wolfgang. Otherwise you become Mr. Lee. It's your choice :-) .

Dear Howard, (or if you prefer Mr. Lee)

>       Sorry I was away for the past few weeks. 

This happens... thanks for your answer.

> I had followed your
> advise, and varified the Parse::Yapp package is installed in the default
> directoy (/usr/bin) and I also reinstall the XML::XQL package and had
> varified the XML::XQL package is working. 

How and where did you verify that it's working?

(errors snipped)
>       To examing this error, I opened up the file and the line
> 969 states:
>               use XML::XQL::Parser;

In fact this is the Perl equivalent to the JAVA/Python import statement. 

>       I had also checked that Parser directory exists under XQL. => just
> wondering: what is the condition to for the above statement to return a
> true value? Maybe I am missing something here??

True means that you can import XML::XQL::Parser. Did you check that is a nonempty file?

>       Thank you very much in advance for your advise.

Thank you very much for helping me sort this out.

> Sincerely,
> Howard
> PS. things I have tried so far hoping to resolve the GIFT installation
> problem on my machine:
> logged in as root:
>       reinstalling Parse::Yapp
>       reinstalling XML::XQL module
did you make make clean?

>       adding /usr/lib to the PATH
this should not change anything, does it?

>       installing gift-prerequisites-0.09 package
>       ocnfiguring gift-0.1.9 (problem occurred)

Thanks for this P.S. it's very to keep track.

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