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Re: [Help-glpk] Gusek / Scite2003 Linux and (Mac OS X?)

From: Sebastian Pokutta
Subject: Re: [Help-glpk] Gusek / Scite2003 Linux and (Mac OS X?)
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 23:10:49 +0300

>> Yes, OK. We are asking now. Who wants an GLPK/MathProg IDE? 
> I do! I am pretty sure that a cross-platform IDE would be very useful for 
> newer users for getting started, but also for more advanced users, given a 
> suitable design.

As indicated before: Most valuable - especially cross-platform.

>> And what OS are you using?
> Windows and Linux

Mac OS X ;-) (and sometimes Windows/Linux) 

> I have had some thoughts about this earlier and I believe that the main 
> feature I would want (which GUSEK doesn't have as fas as I know) is to run 
> through the API rather than glpsol. This would help in being able to build 
> the model before solving it and to inspect it. Possibly, it would even assist 
> in debugging. Also, one could get nicer looking feedback of the solution 
> process than just outputting the text file. It would also be possible to add 
> functionality to pause on and/or write newly found solutions for (M)ILP. 
> Finally, one could inspect the solution graphically using e.g. a 
> spreadsheet-like display.
> Naturally, this is quite a bit of work, but mainly I would like to encourage 
> you to think in this direction. As the API is used one could easily replace 
> shard libraries/DLLs when newer versions of GLPK is released.

That would be definitely a great thing but I expect this not to be a trivial 
task... But again, I am not a programmer. I do not know who of you knows the 
OPL IDE but something in that spirit would be incredible - i.e., where you can 
basically interact with the solver/solution or have the possibility of adding 
something like this later. 

> I wouldn't commit on contributing actually coding, but depending on the 
> language used, I may contribute functionality I miss and at least provide 
> good ideas. :-)

Same here. 

All the best,

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