Thanks Julien,
I see on the doc that *sudo* run command as user and not as root like
other distro. So, to be sure, if i run *sudo guix something*, i don't
change user to run this command isn't it ?
Actually i only work with my account "myuser" into group
("users","wheel",etc.) using or not using *sudo* (this is not clear
when i need or not) for running *guix* command.
About the commands with /.config/guix/channels.scm (see content here
https://paste.debian.net/1240553) :
a) *guix describe* and *sudo guix describe* and *sudo -E guix
describe* return
Génération 7 11 mai 2022 16:01:25 (actuelle)
guix d24ad39
URL du dépôt : https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
branche : master
commit : d24ad3949127a938cad306f0524c120afe5e2e4f
b) *guix system describe* return
Génération 7 10 mai 2022 12:39:34 (actuelle)
nom de fichier : /var/guix/profiles/system-7-link
nom de fichier canonique :
étiquette : GNU with Linux 5.17.5
chargeur de démarrage : grub-efi
périphérique racine : /dev/mapper/cryptroot
noyau :
canaux :
URL du dépôt : https://gitlab.com/nonguix/nonguix
branche : master
commit : 1de0c32142c54bc73af5556d5e45c77152b31f0f
URL du dépôt : https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
branche : master
commit : d775a24344d4a910f6a19072c595bdafcf104b6f
fichier de configuration :
c) *guix home describe* return
Génération 1 10 mai 2022 16:59:14 (actuelle)
nom de fichier : /var/guix/profiles/per-user/reyman/guix-home-1-link
nom de fichier canonique :
canaux :
URL du dépôt : https://github.com/flatwhatson/guix-channel.git
branche : master
commit : 094746c1e2e90f2df1e598ab1fd0abb4d75ce84d
URL du dépôt : https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
branche : master
commit : 0f705472126f7b935e0783bcd8fec831b7a0593b
fichier de configuration :
With jpoiret, i try to resolve the issue on chat, i also try to run
manually *guix pull -C ./config/guix/channels.scm* without success.
A *command -v guix* return */home/myuser/.config/current/bin/guix*
Best regards,
Le 11/05/2022 à 12:47, Julien Lepiller a écrit :
Hi Sébastien,
When you run guix describe, it's running the guix for your user,
which miggt be different from the one you run when you use sudo. That
could explain why the modules are not found. I don't think guix home
has anything to do with that.
I noticed that the first time you use sudo -E, whereas you use only
sudo on step 5. Mayée that's why it fails?
I would run sudo guix describe and sudo -E guix describe to see how
the two might be different from your user's guix :)
On May 11, 2022 11:09:19 AM GMT+02:00, "Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq"
<sebastien.rey-coyrehourcq@univ-rouen.fr> wrote:
Hi Guix people :)
I'm starting guix, picking information when needed into
I'm facing difficulties with channels.scm since i start using
"guix home", i read the doc page, but i need some other things to
Here my logic to start just after install :
1 - I modify my //etc/guix/channels.scm/ file to add some modules
: /nonguix/ (my computer don't work well without) and
/emacs-native-dep/ from flatwhatson flat channel.
2 - I /guix -E guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm/, /guix
pull/, and everything goes well
3 - Like explained in the doc, I run /guix home import
~/src/guix-config /that generate /a //home-configuration.scm//
/4 - /Into /home-configuration.scm///i add the package htop and
5 - In the guix home doc the next command is /guix home
reconfigure config.scm /but this is probably a typo and i run /guix
home reconfigure ~/src/guix-config/home-configuration.scm/
6 - Everything goes well, emacs-native-dep compile during 1 hour,
problems arrive after that.
7 - I'm moving the //etc/guix/config.scm/ and
//etc/guix/channels.scm /to my home /~/.config/guix/ , /and i run
/sudo guix system reconfigure ~/.config/guix/system.scm///*, that
fail*/, /it seems the module (nongnu and emacs-native-dep) are not
referenced, like the error say /"no code for module ( nongnu ..."
/But when i run /guix system describe/, the corresponding channel are
well defined. /
After that, i try many thing, like moving channels.scm and
system.scm back to /etc/guix/ but every reconfigure command fail in
link with channel/module not recognized (emacs-native-dep or nongnu)
- /guix home reconfigure ~/src/guix-config/home-configuration.scm/
- /guix system reconfigure ~/.config/guix/system.scm/
- /guix system reconfigure ~/etc/guix/config.scm/
So my question is first, why that fail after switching to guix
home ? and how and where i need to define/set correctly the
/channel.scm/ file to repair that ?
For example, /guix system//describe/ and /guix home describe/ and
/guix describe/ return all different channel referenced, how i manage
that ?
I suppose there is a "workflow to use well guix home"? but this
is not actually in the doc. For example, perhaps after creating and
switching to guix home profile, running guix system is impossible or
prohibited ? I suppose this will be added in the future.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Sebastien Rey-C