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Re: lilypond ./ChangeLog buildscripts/lilypond-logi...

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: lilypond ./ChangeLog buildscripts/lilypond-logi...
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 15:01:42 +0200
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Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Op di, 19-04-2005 te 13:22 +0200, schreef Mats Bengtsson:

Are you sure about this one? When I try lilypond-book on a
LaTeX document, dvips will complain about

dvips: Font PFAEmmentaler-20 used in file lily-226218508-6.eps is not in the mapping file.

and no feta symbols are shown in the music snippets unless I use
dvips -u+lilypond
which in turn requires that the map file is found by dvips.

This setting has only been required by lilypond-book users for a
long time so the situation hasn't changed in any way that motivates
to remove these files, as far as I can see.

The .map file approach is completely broken, since the DVIPS
configuration isn't coupled with FontConfig, and dvips has no way of
figuring out how to include fonts that people plonk into ~/.fonts.

As of 2.5.19,  lilypond-book scours through all EPS files collecting all
fonts used, and outputting a separate file. You should run dvips with

  -h <file>
this should provide both the feta and other fonts. If it doesn't, please
send a bugreport.

How could I know, since the documentation hasn't been updated?
So, it turns out that the following sequence of commands works
even though dvips spits out lots of warnings.

lilypond-book -o out --psfonts out/ aaa.lytex
cd out
latex aaa.tex
dvips -h aaa.dvi

If the fonts file is needed to get a useful file, then why do I have
to manually add the flag --psfonts?

If anyone can figure out a sane way to make dvips shut up about the
mapping file, I'd be glad to hear.

Unfortunately, the obvious solution dvips -q didn't help!


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