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Re: lilypond ./ChangeLog buildscripts/lilypond-logi...

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: lilypond ./ChangeLog buildscripts/lilypond-logi...
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 15:21:06 +0200
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Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Op di, 19-04-2005 te 14:54 +0200, schreef Jan Nieuwenhuizen:

Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

lilypond-book does not (and never did, afaik) run dvips

Should that not be an option?  lilypond-book has all the information
about LILYPONDPREFIX, TEXMF, or the new -h,
that would save a lot of bug reports?

How would you deal with multiple LaTex runs for cross referencing,
makeindex, bibtex, and what-have-you?

Since the current lilypond-book basically is a noop when there
haven't been any changes to the input file, it could simply be
used exactly the same way as the latex command is used in such
a loop for normal documents. Silly me, that would mean that
dvips and ps2pdf are run in every iteration, unless we have a
flag to turn off the calls to these. Another issue, of course is
that it may not be such a good idea to clutter CWD with all
generated lily-* files. Hmm, something to think about.


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