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Re: [PATCH] Flexible accidentals code from /dev/rune

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Flexible accidentals code from /dev/rune
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:09:27 -0300

I'll try to have another look at it, but from what I recall, there
were serious issues with the code (it still has a bunch of FIXME and
commented out parts).  If you want to have this patch in, you need to
rework it so

a. you understand it
b. it is correct (from coding perspective)

I suggest you start with a.  - if you have that more or less covered,
we can work on b.  The patch is very invasive, since IIRC it changes
the basic representation of pitches.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:58 AM, Valentin Villenave
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Greetings Han-Wen, greetings everyone,
> after having spent a few days intensively testing Rune's
> implementation of new accidental rules, I believe it's time to
> officially submit the patch. Though I (obviously) can't understand all
> of it, I believe this brings quite a lot of advantages and it would
> mean the world to me if this could get merged.
> From what I understand, Rune has tried to empower users as much as
> possible when it comes to automatic accidental styles, with a new
> make-accidental-rule function that allows to define custom rules in a
> more flexible way than before. The second improvement is the ability
> to print accidentals when a note is repeated in the same measure,
> *except* if the note is immediately repeated. This notation practice
> is widely used in contemporary music (at least that i know of), but
> also in some Renaissance scores at it appears.
> I was afraid this code would be considerably slower than the existing
> one, but after having benchmarked it even on very large scores (namely
> my opera ;-) I couldn't measure any difference with the vanilla
> LilyPond (actually this code was even noticeably faster, I have no
> idea why: much, much faster than the binary GUB, and even slightly
> faster than the home-built latest master).
> Of course, Rune is unavailable right now, so if there's anything wrong
> we'll either have to rely on someone else or delay the merging :-(
> Attached is the main patch, courtesy of Neil who kindly merged and
> packaged it, and a second patch to add a regtest and update the docs.
> Please, please, please consider having a look at it.
> Many thanks,
> Valentin

Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

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