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Bug or feature?

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Bug or feature?
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2009 14:10:22 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Hi, I have no idea whether or not the following result is user error or
a misfeature.  When typesetting the following, in the transposed variant
some chord diagrams are pretty, some chord diagrams are absurd.  Is this
supposed to actually work?  If not, what is?

Oh, and another thing: switching the order of includes causes errors.
Again: is this intended behavior (meaning that language includes should
come last)?

\include ""
\include ""
textlyrics = \lyricmode {
       I've been a wild ro- ver for ma- ny a year,
       and I spent all my mo- ney on whi- skey and beer }
mychords = \chordmode {
       s4 c2. s s f c g g:7 c2 }
notes = \relative c' {
      g4 | c4. d8 c4 | a g e' | e d e | f2 e8 f |
      g4 e g | f d h | g e'4. d8 | c2 \bar "|." }
fullscore = {
       <<    \new ChordNames { \time 3/4 
             \partial 4 \mychords }
             \new FretBoards { \mychords }
              \new Voice { \notes }
              \addlyrics { \textlyrics }
\score {
\score {
       \transpose c g { \fullscore }

David Kastrup

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