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(tuplet . around) causes regtests to fail to compile

From: Graham Percival
Subject: (tuplet . around) causes regtests to fail to compile
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 04:40:00 +0100

The recent "improve positioning of TupletNumber and Slur" patch breaks
the doc and regtest compile.  I don't understand to understand how or
why, but it does, so I've reverted that commit.

Sorry, I don't have an exact error message for you, because somebody
thought it would be funny to spam tons of "thumb" messages to the
console during the regtest builds.  I've added an issue for that
separate problem:

However, I do have the original doc-build error, which would
presumably be the same problem as the regtest failure:

Drawing systems...
Element count 39
In unknown file:
  ?:  0* [lilypond-main #]
In /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily.scm:
 785:  1* (let* ((failed #)) (if (ly:get-option #) (begin #)) ...)
 785:  2* [lilypond-all #]
 798:  3  (let* ((failed #) (separate-logs #) (ping-log #) ...) (gc) ...)
 809:  4* [for-each #<procedure #f #> #]
In unknown file:
  ?:  5* [#<procedure #f (x)> "c7/"]
In /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily.scm:
 811:  6* (let* (# # #) (if separate-logs #) (if ping-log #) ...)
 822:  7* [lilypond-file #<procedure #f (key failed-file)>
 847:  8  [catch ly-file-failed #<procedure #f ()> #<procedure #f (x . args)>]
In unknown file:
  ?:  9* [#<procedure #f ()>]
In /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily.scm:
 848: 10* [ly:parse-file "c7/"]
In /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/ly/
 48: 11* (let* ((book-handler #)) (cond (# #) (# #)))
 51: 12  (cond (# #) (# #))
In /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily-library.scm:
 210: 13  [ly:book-process-to-systems #<Book> #< Output_def> ...]
In unknown file:
  ?: 14* [ly:system::height #<Grob System >]
  ?: 15* [ly:axis-group-interface::calc-skylines #<Grob System >]

 ?: 16* [ly:grob::y-parent-positioning #<Grob VerticalAxisGroup >]
  ?: 17* [ly:align-interface::align-to-ideal-distances #<Grob
VerticalAlignment >]
  ?: 18* [ly:hara-kiri-group-spanner::calc-skylines #<Grob VerticalAxisGroup >]
  ?: 19* [number? #<undefined>]

ERROR: In procedure number?:
ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to #<primitive-procedure number?>
command failed: /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/out/bin/lilypond -I ./ -I
./out-www -I ../../input -I /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation -I
/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation/snippets -I
../../input/regression/ -I
/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation/included/ -I
/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/mf/out/ -I /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/mf/out/
-I /home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation/pictures -I
-dbackend=eps --formats=ps,png,pdf  -dinclude-eps-fonts
-dgs-load-fonts --header=doctitle --header=doctitlede
--header=doctitlees --header=doctitlefr --header=doctitlehu
--header=doctitleit --header=doctitleja --header=doctitlenl
--header=texidoc --header=texidocde --header=texidoces
--header=texidocfr --header=texidochu --header=texidocit
--header=texidocja --header=texidocnl -dcheck-internal-types
-ddump-signatures -danti-alias-factor=2 -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/out/lybook-db"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/input/regression"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/input/regression"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/input/regression/out-www"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/input"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation/snippets"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/input/regression"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation/included"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/mf/out"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/mf/out"  -I
"/home/jlowe/lilypond-git/Documentation/pictures"  -I
--formats=eps  --verbose  -deps-box-padding=3.000000  -dread-file-list
Child returned 1

In case it's relevant, this is on a 32-bit linux OS.

- Graham

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