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Using change staff in tight spaces leads to wrongly positioned notes wit

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Using change staff in tight spaces leads to wrongly positioned notes with duplet in crossing notes
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 10:38:54 +0100

I first saw this in a score I was producing for real (thanks to Harm for pointing it out) and have managed to pare it down to a usable, though not small, example. In the example I've been forced to prevent line breaks in order to replicate what is actually happening. Should I just go ahead and raised a bug report?

\version "2.17.9"
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\new Score \with { \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f }
   \new Staff {   \clef "treble"
     \key e\major
     \time 9/8
     b'8  b' b'  b'  b'  b'  b'  b' b' |  % 1
     b'4. b'4. b'4.  |  % 2
     b'1 b'8 |
   \new PianoStaff <<
     \new Staff = "RH"  \with {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-staff-spacing = #'((padding . 5))
       \clef "treble"
       \key e\major
       \time 9/8
\times 3/2 { \voiceOne \change Staff = LHLayer fis,32 ( [ cis32 fis32 \voiceTwo \change Staff = RH a32 cis'32 fis'32 gis'32 a'32 ) ] } \times 3/2 { \voiceOne \change Staff = LHLayer fis,32 ( [ cis32 fis32 \voiceTwo \change Staff = RH a32 cis'32 fis'32 gis'32 a'32 ) ] } \times 3/2 { \voiceOne \change Staff = LHLayer fis,32 ( [ cis32 fis32 \voiceTwo \change Staff = RH a32 cis'32 fis'32 gis'32 a'32 ) ] } | % 15 \times 3/2 { \voiceOne \change Staff = LHLayer e,32 ( [ a,32 cis32 \voiceTwo \change Staff = RH a32 cis'32 fis'32 gis'32 a'32 ) ] } \times 3/2 { \voiceOne \change Staff = LHLayer e,32 ( [ a,32 cis32 \voiceTwo \change Staff = RH a32 cis'32 fis'32 gis'32 a'32 ) ] } \times 3/2 { \voiceOne \change Staff = LHLayer e,32 ( [ a,32 cis32 \voiceTwo \change Staff = RH a32 cis'32 fis'32 gis'32 a'32 ) ] } | % 16
       b'1 b'8 |
     \new Staff = "LHLayer"
       \clef "bass"
       \key e\major
       \time 9/8
       s2.  s4. |  % 1
       s2.  s4. |  % 2
b,4 b, b, b, b'8 | % High b at end spaces staves wider - can be hidden if needed.
   >>  % Pianostaff end
 >> % Music end

Phil Holmes

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Attachment: BeautyBug.png
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