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Re: xdvipdfmx fails with some regtests (“Invalid object”)

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: xdvipdfmx fails with some regtests (“Invalid object”)
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2020 06:27:05 +0200 (CEST)

> Where can I find the source code for xdvipdfmx?


This is the code for a binary that gets stored under five different
names (either as links or as exact copies):


The binary checks which name was used to call itself and uses this
info to behave accordingly: For example, if it is called as
`xdvipdfmx`, it acts as `xdvipdfmx`.

To build this program, have a look at

Builds are always with srcdir != builddir.

For example, attached you can find my script to build `patgen`; I
needed this some time ago because the limits in the distributed binary
were too small for my needs.  Note that `patgen` is part of the
'web2c' group, so you actually get a bunch of (small) binaries, since
the TeXLive build doesn't allow a finer-grained resolution.  You
probably have to change

  --enable-web2c    →   --disable-web2c
  --disable-xetex   →   --enable-xetex

in the script to get an `xdvipdfmx` binary (among others).

>> Maybe slight changes in the ghostscript output or options...
> Wouldn’t that be what we used to call a regression? :-)

I would rather call it unveiling a bug, since chances are high that
the problem is not within LilyPond.

export LANG=

/my/path/to/TeXLive/Build/source/configure \
  --disable-all-pkgs \
  --enable-web2c \
  --disable-tex \
  --disable-etex-synctex \
  --disable-ptex \
  --disable-ptex-synctex \
  --disable-eptex \
  --disable-eptex-synctex \
  --disable-uptex \
  --disable-uptex-synctex \
  --disable-euptex \
  --disable-euptex-synctex \
  --disable-aleph \
  --disable-pdftex \
  --disable-pdftex-synctex \
  --disable-luatex \
  --disable-luatex53 \
  --disable-luajittex \
  --disable-xetex \
  --disable-synctex \
  --disable-mp \
  --disable-pmp \
  --disable-upmp \
  --disable-mfluajit \
  --disable-mf \
  --disable-mf-nowin \
  --disable-mflua \
  CFLAGS="-O3" &> configure.log \
&& make &> make.log

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