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Re: Blockers for Guile 2.2

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: Blockers for Guile 2.2
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 22:44:57 +0100
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Sorry for the late reply, I hoped to have a merge request
ready to implement but life is getting in the way.
Nevertheless, a proof of concept is this:

From 95794324cd4a637c4735447b672a1de91416cc4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean Abou Samra <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2022 17:00:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] WIP: allow separate Guile byte-compilation

Benefits: can be integrated into the build system, can byte-compile
all files even if not used, can byte-cross-compile.

TODO: actually integrate with build system, figure out load paths
etc., also compile files not directly loaded in (lily).
 scm/lily.scm | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)

diff --git a/scm/lily.scm b/scm/lily.scm
index afc84d39d8..58d4fc39e4 100644
--- a/scm/lily.scm
+++ b/scm/lily.scm
@@ -263,6 +263,13 @@ lilypond-book")
                           "Check every property assignment for types.")
     (clip-systems #f
                   "Generate cut-out snippets of a score.")
+    (guile-compile #f
+                   "Run Guile byte-compilation on LilyPond's Scheme
+files.  This is intended for use when compiling or packaging
+    (guile-compile-target #f
+                          "When using -d guile-compile, specifies the
+platform triplet to generate bytecode for.")
     (crop #f
           "Generate additional, possibly tall
 single-page output file(s) with cropped margins.")
@@ -844,6 +851,11 @@ PIDs or the number of the process."


+(use-modules (system base compile)
+             (system base target))
+(define start-module (current-module))
 (define-public (lilypond-main files)
   "Entry point for LilyPond."
   (eval-string (ly:command-line-code))
@@ -855,6 +867,24 @@ PIDs or the number of the process."
              (ly:exit 0 #t)))
   (if (ly:get-option 'gui)
       (gui-main files))
+  (if (ly:get-option 'guile-compile)
+      (begin
+        (for-each
+         (lambda (file)
+           (let* ((full-path (string-append "lily/" file))
+                  (file-name (%search-load-path full-path)))
+             (ly:message "Byte-compiling ~a..." file)
+             (with-target (let ((custom-target(ly:get-option 'guile-compile-target)))
+                            (if custom-target
+                                (symbol->string custom-target)
+                                %host-type))
+               (lambda ()
+                 (compile-file file-name
+                               #:env start-module
+                               #:output-file (string-append "/home/jean/repos/lilypond/scm/" file ".go")
+                               )))))
+         init-scheme-files)
+        (ly:exit 0 #t)))
   (if (null? files)
       (begin (ly:usage)
              (ly:exit 2 #t)))

This is in a very experimental stage: it has paths hardcoded
for my setup, it doesn't actually load the files, I still
have to figure out how to integrate it in Autohell, etc.
Nevertheless, it's a proof of concept that it is possible,
without restructuring the scm/ directory at all, to get
Guile bytecode in a build system for a given architecture.

Le 19/02/2022 à 23:21, Jonas Hahnfeld a écrit :
Am Samstag, dem 19.02.2022 um 23:05 +0100 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:
Le 19/02/2022 à 22:43, Jonas Hahnfeld a écrit :
Am Samstag, dem 19.02.2022 um 21:34 +0100 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:
Le 19/02/2022 à 21:00, Jonas Hahnfeld a écrit :
I'm firmly convinced that the order must be
1. only test with Guile 2.2 in CI
2. make configure only look for Guile 2.2 by default
3. do a release with Guile 2.2 only
4. unless emergency happens, drop all code related to Guile 1.8 very
soon after
I disagree with 'very soon after' in point 4. Is this code
really hurting? We don't have so much of it as far as I can
All "guile-2" in scm/, GUILEV2 in lily/, and a number of configure
checks. It will be significantly easier to restructure all of our
Scheme code without that.
I am not sure about that. It's unclear to me whether we're
going to have to move stuff around in the end -- see the helpful
reply from Olivier Dion this evening on guile-user/guile-devel --,
The proposed approach is worse than just doing a GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE
because we need more code to make it happen. More fundamentally, it
doesn't address the cross-compilation setup.

It does, see above.

and if we do, how would Guile 1 interfere with moving code
It requires testing, and there are constructs such as eval-when that
Guile 1.8 didn't have. Yes, you can work around that, but it will
require more code and even more time.

(Adressed above.)

Plus, your plan of keeping code for Guile 1.8 doesn't work / make sense
without keeping GUB working. That is far more complicated and prevents
many future changes.
Right now, it is in a working state.
Because I kept it working so far.

I am like St Thomas and need examples to be convinced by 'many'. Even for
Cairo there is a solution in GUB.
One example is,
another is
where (I think) we shouldn't install the fonts as part of LilyPond's
build system. Both of them would require updates to GUB, which I
honestly don't want to make.

To be clear, I'm not happy about keeping it around, but
I very much think we shouldn't actively drop it until we
have a state that resembles what we eventually want to
call stable. Because we don't know what problems are going
to pop up with shipping bytecode.

I find it too risky to lock ourselves into Guile 2 in
a state where a stable release would not be satisfactory
(see also below). Plus, a number of problems have been popping up
with the new binaries. It's great that you're fixing them
at the speed of light (thanks!), but I'm not convinced by
waiting only shortly after a new release to call it good
to go. Would it consume excessive CI minutes if we tested
with both Guile 1 and 2 for some time? If so, I would
suggest having optional jobs with Guile 1, basically swapping
the current roles.
Again, this doesn't make sense: If we want to keep Guile 1.8 working,
the jobs must be mandatory. So we're talking at least twice the CI
minutes, in practice much more because frog can only run one job at a
Would that be an acceptable load on the CI infrastructure?
It's not only about load, it's about every merge request taking 3x as
long to merge.

If not, I wouldn't find too much of an issue with optional jobs.
Right now, we want to keep Guile 2 working, the jobs are
optional, and it keeps working thanks to an occasional
'hotfix'. Those fixes don't even need to be made while we are
in the state where LilyPond still accepts being configured
with Guile 1. If the transition only takes a month or so,
it should normally remain possible to roll back to Guile 1,
fixing a few things here and there. It is actively dropping
code supporting Guile 1 that I object to at this point.
I don't share your optimism here, neither on "occasional 'hotfix'", "a
month or so", nor "fixing a few things here and there". I predict
things will break, and very quickly if you attempt to do things as
invasive as making byte compilation work.

Honestly, if you are pessimistic about "a month or so" to
get a setup that could work for a stable release, that
doesn't make me confident about making a full switch now ...

As far as I have understood the proposed plan, it involves
putting the master branch in a state that is fundamentally
unsuitable for production in Guile 2 and leave it so
for months, while dropping Guile 1 support, making it
effectively impossible to get something eventually satisfactory
without the success of experimental work that has no
proof-of-concept yet. In an environment run by volunteers
where any person can be "hit by a bus" at any time, I don't
consider this to be a wise plan.

Of course, if it is taken to a working state, the proof-of-concept
above will change the game. I intend to continue investigating,
but feel free to beat me to it (Autoconf aka Autohell scares
me just as much as TeX, which is to say a lot).


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