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Re: an "odd" accidental problem...

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: an "odd" accidental problem...
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 04:14:32 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.6

On 2018-07-27 03:49, B~M wrote:
I have what I think is an odd problem with accidentals.

The piece I am working on is a Viola etude in E minor.
In the original score the composer needs an E natural and this is achieved
by a concatenated combination of a natural sign and a flat sign.
The note in question is an F, which is sharp in the key signature, so the
natural symbol presumably
cancels the F#  to F and the flat symbol (alongside the natural symbol)
then indicates
F flat or E natural.

Is there please a way to typeset this in Lilypond ?
This is the only time I've seen such notation, so Im guessing its rare ?

Usually, the presence of the flat would automatically cancel out any potential sharp, so the inclusion of a preceding natural is overly cautious.

You can of course customize the stencil of a note's accidental to have it render as a "natural flat" as such:

  \version "2.19.82"
  { \clef bass \key e \minor
    \tweak Accidental.stencil
      #(lambda (grob)(grob-interpret-markup grob
        #{ \markup \combine
           \translate #'(-1.5 . 0)
           \musicglyph "accidentals.natural"
           \musicglyph "accidentals.flat"
    fes! }

Experiment with other translation values if you need different spacing. For instance, -0.5 overlaps the right edge of the natural with the left edge of the flat.

-- Aaron Hill

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