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Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

From: Lukas-Fabian Moser
Subject: Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 19:02:16 +0100
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Slight amendation of Mark's suggestion. Since you're doing a vocal composition, to keep lyrics applied into this temporary poloyphonic context, use this syntax:

<< { \voiceOne } \\
\new Voice { \voiceTwo { } }
>> \oneVoice

Lyrics set to the voice will carry into the temporary polyphonic context { \voiceOne } and then should continue after the \oneVoice. But note that use of slurs will break the lyrics placement so you may need to include \skip1 in your lyrics to shift the lyric syllables to the proper note location.

Slight correction: This is only true if you omit the \\. Compare

\version "2.19.82"

\new Staff \relative a' {
  a a a << { \voiceOne a a a } \\ \new Voice { \voiceTwo e b b } >> \oneVoice a a a
\addlyrics { \repeat unfold 10 test }


\version "2.19.82"

\new Staff \relative a' {
  a a a << { \voiceOne a a a } \new Voice { \voiceTwo e b b } >> \oneVoice a a a
\addlyrics { \repeat unfold 10 test }

(Background: {a} \\ {b} is a shorthand that creates _two_ new voices called "1" and "2".)


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