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Checkpoints (was re: Adding durations (for \after))

From: Joel C. Salomon
Subject: Checkpoints (was re: Adding durations (for \after))
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2022 10:58:48 -0500
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On 11/12/22 09:42, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Here's one concrete example:

“Annoyance: the expressive part needs skips of the durations corresponding to 
the notes in between the expressive marks. Someday, I hope that LilyPond will 
have the facility to mark temporal points in various parts so that they can be 
aligned without counting out the beats correctly in each one.”

Is it even possible to query the temporal position, to enable some form of checkpoints?

Basic notion I'm thinking of is, \checkpoint <id> can appear in multiple staves, voices, etc., and gives a warning if it's not at the same temporal position across all of them. Example:

\score {
    { a1 \checkpoint #17 b c \checkpoint #42 d }
    { d \checkpoint #17 e \checkpoint #42 f g }

`\checkpoint #17` succeeds; `\checkpoint #42` warns that it's in different positions across Voices.

(Motivation: I got bit by the "programming error: could not find this grob's vertical axis group in the vertical alignment" issue in one score. Searching the list indicates this is probably a misalignment somewhere, but I've still not succeeded in pinning down a minimal example. Cut the score in half, and both halves work anywhere I've thought to make the split.)


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