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[Monotone-devel] Error in function 8 during fetch

From: Julian Seward
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Error in function 8 during fetch
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 13:16:43 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

This is with the 0.8 static binary, running on SuSE 9.  I previously took
a copy of Graydon's depot and was trying to pull in new changes.

I read the recent thread re error in function 9 during post, so I see
this is basically crappy error reporting from the boost socket library
(I think 8 is recv).  When I did a 'fetch' monotone hung for a couple
of minutes, then gave the error.  I guess it just means the connection
timed out.  Any possibility of a more user-friendly error msg?


address@hidden:~/Monotone/Co/qqq$ monotone --verbose --db=../../monotone.db 
monotone: skipping nonexistent rcfile '/home/sewardj/.monotonerc'
monotone: executing fetch command
monotone: lua isfunction() failed in get_fn
monotone: fetching from all known URLs
monotone: db.fetch("SELECT url FROM sequence_numbers GROUP BY url")
monotone: parsed URL: proto 'http', user '', host '', port '80', 
path '/monotone/depot.cgi', group 'monotone'
monotone: parsed URL: proto 'http', user '', host '', port '80', 
path '/monotone/depot.cgi', group 'monotone'
monotone: fetching packets from group
monotone: db.fetch("SELECT major, minor FROM sequence_numbers WHERE url = 
'' LIMIT 1")
monotone: resolving name
monotone: name resolved to IP
monotone: resolved '' as ''
monotone: connecting to port number 80
monotone: HTTP -> 'GET /monotone/
depot.cgi?q=since&group=monotone&maj=0&min=1707 HTTP/1.0'
monotone: HTTP -> 'Host:'                       // LONG DELAY HERE
Error in function 8
monotone: http fetch complete
monotone: db.execute("UPDATE sequence_numbers SET major = 0, minor = 1707 
WHERE url = 'http: ...")
monotone: fetched 0 packets

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