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Re: New Octave package "OCL" providing OpenCL support

From: Matthias W. Klein
Subject: Re: New Octave package "OCL" providing OpenCL support
Date: Fri, 3 May 2019 22:36:46 +0200
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Hi Colin,

thanks for your hints. In short, this triggered package version 0.9.1.

Correctly installing the OpenCL drivers can, to my experience, be a
hassle sometimes. This is one of the reasons why I chose dynamic library
loading, with the possibility for user interaction. Giving details on
OpenCL driver installation, on the other side, is out of my scope;
abundant info can be found in the web.

However, since you are writing that 'clinfo' (thanks to mention!) gives
correct information, this may not be your issue.

Unfortunately, OCL 0.9.0 was very short in details about error reporting
during library loading. I changed this in today's version 0.9.1.

The new version, using octave's library loader, has thus also become, in
general, operating-system independent.

I recommend trying the new version to you. If an error persists, let me
know the error message details.


On 27.04.2019 15:40, Colin Macdonald wrote:
On 2019-04-27 4:22 a.m., Matthias W. Klein wrote:
Dear Octave maintainers,

I have developed a new Octave package named "OCL" which uses OpenCL as
parallelization to speed up a broad familiy of Octave calculations.  It
implements a functionality similar to Matlab's 'gpuArray' core concept,
but avoids restrictions on hardware type and vendor.

Thanks, this sounds intriguing.  I'm trying it on my recent Intel
hardware.  Wasn't really clear to me how to get started from the README
(your docs look extensive but maybe could offer a little more newbie

Anyway, Here's what I've tried so far:

ocl_double (rand (10, 10))
error: ocl_double: error while dynamically loading OpenCL library
  check library path and file name ('lib_path_filename') to point to
correct OpenCL library file

ocl_lib ("lib_path_filename", '/usr/lib64', 'libOpenCL.so.1')

# (this is based on `locate -i libopencl`)

 ocl_lib ("assure")
error: ocl_lib: error while dynamically loading OpenCL library
  check library path and file name ('lib_path_filename') to point to
correct OpenCL library file

Any hints?  I'm on Fedora and have installed relevant-looking stuff from
"dnf list opencl*".  "clinfo" returns lots of stuff...


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