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Re: [Perlsgml-dev] [FYI/RFC] SGML::Parser::OpenSP and SGML::Parser...

From: Yann Dirson
Subject: Re: [Perlsgml-dev] [FYI/RFC] SGML::Parser::OpenSP and SGML::Parser...
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 11:27:29 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.25i

On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 11:09:38AM +0200, Terje Bless wrote:
> Well, SWIG looked to require the learning of Yet Another Meta-Syntax (for
> the *.i files) while still requiring me to learn C++, and produce
> non-optimal code out. I decided it was better to do this in XS, which gives
> me a chance to learn it and C++ which has wider applicability and,
> presumably, is more widespread so is more likely to generate contributions
> from users.

Well, .i files do include some special syntax, but most of it is still
C/C++.  As for not being optimal, well, maybe.  But since the usually
most of the work is done inside the wrapped lib, that's maybe not so
bad a choice.

> I haven't found any docs for libospgrove anywhere; is it part of
> OpenSP or is it in OpenJade?


> Would it require me to wrap my brane around "Groves" or would a
> vague idea of what a "grove" is suffice? :-)

Hm.  I have no experience with libospgrove directly, but my experience
with groves has shown that a vague idea is usually not sufficient :)

There are tutorials available, and I wrote a stylesheet that makes an
HTML version of the SGML property-set, which greatly helps me
understanding this stuff.

> Yeah, the thought had occurred to me, but it's quite too ambitious a
> project for me to tackle (at least alone). I've been meaning to investigate
> how far I can get with just replacing CharString*s with std::wstrings but I
> feel nowhere near confident enough to make a serious attempt at this. Not
> only because I have very limited knowledge of C++, but also because I'm
> having big problems understanding all the ways OpenSP uses strings
> internally (e.g. in view of BCTF and internal wide character support and
> character encoding/repertoire handling).

Well, something will have to be done eventually, as I suppose the
current way it works is responsible for the very low performance of
OpenSP 1.5 as compared to 1.3.x.

> IMO the most valuable contribution to the OpenSP project would be
> commenting (copiously!) all the userland executables (onsgmls, spam, etc.)
> as a first cut at documenting the native API to libosp; closely followed by
> copiously commenting the source implementing the library itself.

It's being done at least for openjade.  Don't know if the person doing
that has gone through OpenSP as well, but sure that would be neat !

Yann Dirson <address@hidden>       
Technical support manager                Responsable de l'assistance technique
Senior Free-Software Consultant          Consultant senior en Logiciels Libres
Debian developer (address@hidden)                        Développeur Debian

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