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Re: SV: SV: SV: [Phpgroupware-developers] New ACL class in CVS (can it r

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: [Phpgroupware-developers] New ACL class in CVS (can it really be?)
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:51:26 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.2) Gecko/20021126

Sigurd Nes wrote:
I am thinking on how these definitions are stored and managed

Right now you do not have to pre-register your locations. You simply
grant rights to a location and then the acl knows about that location.

The functionality seems to be working just fine - I am curious on how
the interface to this will be.

Im still working this out.
One example is at
Imagine that the numbers could be replaced with works like read/edit/delete if the developer either passes them to the window popup or we have some kind of registry where all the locations and their rights could be defined.

I wish I could select my app (or call the acl from admin->app->acl) -
then select one of several predefined locations (for my app) from a list
- and then check the appropriate predefined right(s), depended of the
location, for my users (I picture a somewhat similar ui as for
'preferences->app->grant access')

Yes this is where passing to the popup window will not be enough. For this we would need some registry of the locations and what their possible rights are.

I am curious on where this definitions (name/value of the checkboxes etc
..) should be stored - in the code (or template) or in the database?

If we do this, it will need to work like hooks. Defined in the apps setup file. Then we can store this data into the database if we want, or just load up the apps setup file and read it from there.

I thought that if the values were stored in the database - an simple
admin_acl_hook (per app) would enable the acl for all apps - and the
maintainers would only be concerned by naming locations and defining
rights pr location.


I am sure this is well taken care of - so I'll just wait for the ACL
manager interface to try it out.

Its not yet, I know what I basicly wanted to accomplish with the ACL and the concept of the ACL Manager, but the details are far from thought out, so your discussion on this is very helpful


Same thing about the right - optimally - I would like to have the
ability to have different sets of rights per location. My location
'invoicehandling' will have three extra rights (janitor, supervisor



This is no problem. Again the acl2_tester.php examples this.
The rights field just takes a number. You can define how the 8


rights are used, there is no predefinition of what 1 or 2 or 4 or 8
etc.. means. If you want 1 to mean janitor, then you can do that.


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